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Saturday, June 19, 2010

Happy Fathers Day

It is Fathers Day weekend once again; to be alive and well is indeed a blessing; certainly life is precious; in fact, life is absolutely everything.

Life and Death

Dear Dad
Here is loving you
Thanking you for the life you afforded us
The most precious commodity
On the face of mother earth

Who dares put a price on life
Who dare value it's worth
Knowing that without life
Everything is nonexistence

You stood by us in the absence of mom
Like so many fathers have
You could have packed and run

You taught us how to love
You taught us how to pray
Am I ever glad
You decided you would stay

Life is no bed of roses
And even roses carries thorns
Glad that you were there with us
Through the hardship we had borne

You showed love to all your children
Love felt way down deep
You stood by us
You shared with us
The bitter with the sweet

Yesterday is past and gone
Tomorrow never sure
All we really have is now
Because life is just a tour

It's been knocking at your door
Oh that it was just an illness
For which there was a cure

This cage in which we live
Is destined for the ground
If you should leave
Don't you be sad
You made us glad
It was a pleasure
Having you around
Love you Dad

                                                       Washington Stevens

Monday, June 14, 2010

Extraordinary People - The boy who sees without eyes [1/5]


The Human Anatomy/Creation OR Evolution

It is very amazing the functioning of the human brain, its capability to retain so much information; memories that lingers from one's childhood until the weaning years of ones life, if no ailment besets its capabilities.
The entire human anatomy is indeed  a very comprehensive and absolutely marvelous machine, with its functionality being controlled by the brain to transmit information from the senses and different organs throughout the body: the heart for the ever rotating supply of blood, the lungs for the supply of oxygen, one's liver which has many functions including managing the chemical level in the blood, the digestive system for the break down of the intake of earth's produce, and I could go on and on babbling about what little I understand about the functionality of the human anatomy with the brain being at the apex of its overall operations, but must leave it to those better fit to expound on the topic.

With the experience of seeing my mom ailing; having suffered a number of strokes, heart-attacks, surviving triple by-pass surgery, with the last stroke she suffered in May 2007 stealing from her a part of her speech capabilities; watching my dad suffer a minor stroke almost twenty four hours earlier; created a greater awareness, and made me much more concerned about their health issues.

Spending time with them: first seeing my dad swollen and looking almost like a corp; only to be informed by   a pleasant and very informative nurse

 at the hospital that this had accrued as a result of a mild stroke which he had suffered, an incident which took place in the State of Georgia while I was spending time there by my sister, where my dad also resides, and days later that week, taking the long trip by car to NY to be by my mother during her ordeal. It so happened that in the midst of their ailment I found what I have determined to be an informative experience which still lingers in my mind; creating a deeper curiosity about the operation of the human anatomy. A curiosity which leads me to the question; Creation or Evolution? a question for which many points of view and points of references have been given by  those who are considered experts at their craft, and by the zealot whose conviction lays solely on a religious belief. This blogger brings no expertise to the subject matter and having little to almost no study on either theory except for time spent in the church circle, where one is compelled to follow the theory of Creation. The fact that I no longer adhere to the teaching of a religious order to which I once belonged, have given me the freedom to take a look at both views through non-bias lenses, and have drawn my own conclusion: that both theories have their merits but leaves room for verification. 

I have since my childhood observe the daily evolution of life, not necessarily as explained by those espousing the theory, but have seen the evolution of caterpillars to butterflies; mosquitoes developing from the bacteria formed in a vase, or bottle of water left unattended for a period of time; frogs formed from tadpoles; maggots from dead animals; the EVOLUTION,  of life, CREATED, by the creative majesty of the Universe, created and sustained by the very elements from which, and by which they were churned and given the precious gift of life; without which there is no surviving, the creative and sustaining elements of air, earth,fire, (sun) water. Being neither: a Science, History, or Theology scholar, and having no research of any kind from on which to base my opinion, this post should be seen as this blogger's personal point of view; based solely on my own belief; formed out of my life experience.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

introduction to I Hurt

 My migration to the U.S.A had also opened my eyes to what was a crippling drug epidemic. Crack cocaine was having a devastating effect on New York City and most inner city throughout these United states of America. I heard of instances where for a hit of crack cocaine folks would sell their bodies and even that of their young daughters to satisfy their crave. This knowledge, the zombie-like appearance of crack heads_; the loss of life due to drug-related turf warfare, which left so many young black males along with many innocent bystanders laying lifeless in pools of blood all along New York City streets, gave way to the inspiration of the following poem, titled I Hurt found on the poetry page of this blog-site.