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Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mother's Day Mom

Where to begin? Well let me begin by quoting a few lines from Bob Marley who said in his song Coming In From The Cold "Every man was once a baby... in this life..." With age comes experience and at the ripe golden age of fifty, I am using the term golden age here having given it some thought beforehand, because in my opinion not only is every year a golden one but every moment should be considered such, with the understanding that longevity is not a given.

And with fifty years under my belt not only do I have a lot to say; but having survived the perils of what is a man made New world order, I do believe I have earned the right to speak my mind.

I am a son of the soil a child of the Universe_ with the right to exist as does the moon and the stars above within the upper stratosphere, I believe in only one race, the human-race, with a variegated semblance of complexion, a variance which was used by persons of denigrated character to manipulate the mind of others to benefit their greed and craven lust; for which sixty to one hundred million Africans suffered because of their strength and ability to endure the long voyage of thousands of miles, and cruel slave labor that was so brutally wrenched from their system in what some call the Atlantic Slave Trade. But is to the African nothing short of a devastating and inhumane Holocaust a crime against humanity no doubt, and a stinking stench in the human experience.

And so on this Mother's day Weekend I wish to take this opportunity to once again show some gratitude and my appreciation to my mother for not aborting what was once just an embryo irrespective of the difficulties with which she was confronted and the advise from her peers which they had considered prudent and logical after their assessment of her unfortunate dilemma.

The following is a poem written and copyright by me, titled Right to Life; dedicated to my mother, and I think
a suitable addition to this post.

      Right To Life
If my mom had listen to her peers
Had not fought and conquered her fears
This boy child she would not have borne
But would have aborted me from her womb

Thank you mom for the pain you bore
As doctors shouted push some more
Which was nothing to compare
With all the pain you had to bear
Having five hungry kids to rear

For those times when dad was away
You worked so hard both night and day
So we could have a bite to eat
Clothes on our backs shoes on our feet

I remember we were financially poor
Real hard times we had to endure
Still I knew we had much wealth
For through your love mom this was felt

Thank you mom for giving me birth
For life's experience on this earth

Where I've grown to learn one fact
That every man white or black
Is a child of the Universe
and with his life can influence its course

These words mom are to show appreciation
For your love
And your devotion
Thank you mom

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