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Daily Inspiration

Fear and Cowardice

I contend that fear is mans greatest protector.
He who fears generally takes caution.
But to succumb to fear there is a great price:
The surrender to fear gives birth to cowardice.

                                                                                                           Washington   Stevens
I write these lines before I sleep
So you can read them in the morn 
I hope your day will be one of peace
I wish you shelter from the storm


A nation or civilization that continues to produce soft-minded men purchases its own spiritual death on the installment plan.
..................................... Martin Luther King, Jr.

1,5,2012                    Religion and I

 While I respect the integrity of the various religions;
I fail to believe in the mythological story lines, 
and the notion that the biblical words coined by men
is that first conceived by "GOD"
                                                                      W A S


  12,15,2010/6:06 AM                        B Smart                                                Be not faint in your thinking;
                                                your brain is the biggest part of you.
                                                                                                                            W A S
12,13,2010/9:50 PM                       The Mind
                                        In the recess of the mind lies the power
                                        to reinvent who we are.
                                                                                                         W A S
12,1,2010/2:36 PM                          Kindness
                             Kindness is a bridge that leads from sorrow to joy
                                                                                                          W A S
11,23,2010/7:25 PM          Make use of today's opportunities;
                                                                tomorrow is never sure

11,22,2010/10:21 PM                     DESIDERATA

9,21,2010/2:20 AM                              Truth
                                Unlike the elements of survival that's freely granted;
                                finding the truth, can be very expensive,
                                it sometimes means giving up all you've ever learned.
9,20,2010/5:03 AM                       
                                   To be healthy is to be wealthy;
                                   only life is of more value than good health
9,18,2010/10:35 PM                   Positive Vibes
                                     May your day be spent in the warmth of
                                     the universe's most positive vibration.
9,15,2010/7:08 PM                    Meditation
                                The brain is like magnet; it pulls the vibration
                                of whatever thoughts it entertains.
9,14,2010/9:36 PM                    The Brain
                                  The knife, the gun, the pen, and even the
                                  hand that wheels them; they are all useless
                                  without a functioning brain to direct them.
9,12,2010/11:07 PM                            
                              Tomorrow is never sure, but if it is realised;
                              may it be the very best you have ever experienced 
                              in your sojourn on the planet earth.
9,10,2010/8:38 PM                       
                        Politics is no dirty game; it is the character of individuals and
                        their indifference to others that makes it look that way;
                        if the golden rule was to be applied and adhered to in the game
                        of politics, the vocation would be a more noble calling.

9,9,2010/11:01 PM                   
                   Certainly conformity has its place; especially in an arena
                   where justice is being applied to the benefit of all parties involved;
                   nonconformity being just as important in pursuit of equality
                   and justice in the arena where these qualities are being denied.
9,7,2010/8:37 PM          
                                    So Many Stories Told 
                           It is OK to question that which you was taught;
                           whether or not it was claimed to be of Divine inspiration.
9,7,2010/12:29 AM                               Truth
                                   If you seek the truth the truth will find you,
                                   and when it does; the truth will free your mind.
9,4,2010/2:11 AM      
                                                                W O R D
                                Thank you for your visits to this humble domain; 
                                 may your day be one of peace and enlightenment.
9,2,2010/9:33 PM                                 Life
                                   Life; what a beautiful gift, and the brain/mind
                                   to try and  make sense of all of it.
9,1,2010/5:29 AM                        
                         The maraud in Iraq has officially been declared ended

8,28,2010/8:39 PM                Human Error
                     If all of man's action is motivated by either God or the devil;
                     where then is the room for human error?
8,27,2010/12:52 PM                                  
                    Truth begets honesty; honesty begets justice; justice begets peace;
                    peace begets tranquility.
8,27,2010/12:59 AM                 Gallantry
                             Confronting fear with courage, caution, and tenacity 
                             is a recipe for victory
8,26,2010/2:24 AM                    Right 2 Life
                                        I am as much a part of the Universe
                                        as the Earth on which I tread (gait)
8,24,2010/10:37 PM                      Respect
                Maybe you find it difficult to extend a hand in friendship; that's OK.
                But my time, my space, my right to exist; must be respected!
8,24,2010/2:24 AM                      Courage
                           Fear creates cowardice; courage creates gallantry
                           The former liken to the flood; the latter liken to the ark
                           that saved the earth's inhabitants in the biblical allegory
8,20,2010/8:49 PM                 War and Peace
                                        War is waged to benefit the few
                                        The way of peace is a benefit to all 
8,19,2010/11:08 PM                     Freedom
                            "None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who
                              falsely believe they are free"

8,18,2010/10:00 PM
                                                         The Future                  
                                   The path to the future was paved in the past
8,18,2010/12:19 AM                   
                                  Life's Challenges
                      Life without challenges would be most boring and dull
8,16,2010/11:54 PM                    Vigilance
                 Vigilance is a necessary tool to keep one positively focus
                 in the indecorous atmosphere that exist in today's reality.
8,16,2010/12:06 AM          Truth and Justice
                    If justice is a hammer, then truth is the hand that wheels it.
8,14,2010/9:58 PM                      Perfection
                          Even a perfect life; must encompass room for error
,13,2010/10:47 PM                   
                       To deny one justice; is to embrace injustice.
8,11,2010/1:17 PM                       Wishes
                               Your next move is more important
                                than any wish you'll ever make.
8,9,2010/10:03 PM                      Hatred
                    Bitter is the man who hates; dark is his dwelling place.
8,9,2010/1:00 PM                        Victory
                                         It's not the fight that you are in, but the fight
                                         that is within you that brings VICTORY.
8,7,2010/12:00 AM                 
                                              Your sojourn

                  May your sojourn be as harmonious, fruitfully fulfilling;
                  showing evidential result of your participation in the well being
                  of the earth, in it's beautification, procreation; topping that with
                  a taste of honey and sweeter yet the honey comb.
                  This is the life of a bee 

8,6,2010/2:50 AM                   Planet Earth
                             Oh yea! this is Paradise; Enjoy it while you can.
8,5,2010/8:23 AM                           Wealth
                                        Life and good health; man's greatest possessions
                                        whomever posses these can never be poor
                                                         Right To Life
          Your right to be here is as concrete as the rights of the Galaxies above
8,3,2010/6:34 AM                  Raising The Bar
                                              Raising of the bar_creates more height,
                                              more breath, more depth, more space for you to fly
8,2,2010/6:22 AM     
                                           Unconventional Thought
                 (It is said that ancient Africans considered the brain the center of the Universe)
                                                         It is OK to think unconventionally
                                           To create and dance to your very own beats
                 (I strongly believe in unconventional thought; covering whatever subject matter;
                       with the understanding that the laws of nature when followed; bears prudence
                       and enhances healthy living.)

8,1,2010/11:28 AM            The Universe and I
                                                              The Universe has my back
                                                               It's with me wherever I am
7,30,2010/10:17 PM         
                                          Woman: The Mother of Men
                                                     Our will to win no one can bend
                                                     We vow our mothers to defend
7,29,2010/11:14 PM                           Jewelry
                                                            We are living jewels
                                                            Some refined with time
7,29,2010/11:09 AM                          Reality
                                                     Reality is not what one thinks
                                                     But what truly is.

7,27,2010/11:56 PM               Uplifting Another
                                                  The process of uplifting another
                                                  includes an uplift for one's self
7,26,2010/9:30 PM                 Casting of a Shadow
                                                     You only cast a shadow
                                                     When walking in the light
7,25,2010/10:29 PM                           Heaven
                                        I dreamt I died and went to heaven 
                                        I woke up understanding Heaven is where I was
7,24,2010/11:03 PM                
                                            Be A Beacon Of Light 
                                     Darkness and light; they share the same space;
                                     one is only overpowered by the other.
                                     It is light that appears at the flick of the switch;
                                     the darkness is always there.
7,23,2010/9:25 PM                          Behold The Sun
                                                 The Sun of God shall brake their spell
7,23,2010/10:43 AM                    
                                                        The Now
                     We are all a part of the UNIVERSE'S REALITY
                     each one; each thing; owning his/her/it's own space and time
7,22,2010/2:57 AM                         
                                                    Life And Time
                              This former embryo is today giving thanks for life
                              and it's sustaining elements on this 51st.anniversary
                              of my birth date. Mom, Dad, the Creator and my
                              ancestors all be praised.
7,21,2010/4:47 AM                                     Time
                                                               An elder once told me:
                                             Time is the master spanner that opens any nut.
7,20,2010/4:00 AM                                     Faith
                           Certainly one's daily living is without doubt an act of faith;
                           considering the fact that life is only assured by each beat
                           of the heart.

7,19,2010/12:58 AM                         Death
                                              Why fear death, if man born is destine
                                              to return to the atoms of the Universe?
7,17,2010/9:49 PM                         Justice
                                                   Justice is dependent on truth as 
                                                   life is dependent on the air we breathe
7,16,2010/9:50 PM                   My Shoes
                                                      The shoes I wear
                                                      Each time each pair
                                                      Carries much more than just my feet
                                                      The feet that walks these busy mean streets
                                                      Also need a heart that beats
7,16,2010/3:29 AM                    
                                    Elements of Survival
                               There are no prerequisites for the sustaining elements
                               they are equally distributed without favor or prejudice.
                               Oh, did I mention that they were priceless?????
7,14,2010/7:51 PM                                LIFE
                                                          I have a profound adoration
                                                          for this mystic reality called LIFE
7,14,2010/12:50 AM                           Opinionated
                                                        I hold steadfast to the opinion
                                                        that life was created by the magnificent
                                                        and divine creativity of the Universe.
7,13,2010/7:43 AM                           LIFE
                                                     LIFE is as frail as it is precious
                                                     and must be treated with care
7,12,2010/4:47 AM                 Watermelon Please
                                          In the middle of the desert without hope of rescue
                                          I certainly would rather find me a watermelon
                                          than the biggest of diamond yet to be found.
7,11,2010/9:20 AM                     The Universe 
                                                                Inseparable we are
                                                                The Universe and I
7,10,2010/4:53 AM                                 Truth
                                                    Truth is deep rooted and strong
                                                     it creates shelter for the soul
7,9,2010/6:49 AM                               Vanity
                                              The sustaining elements of survival
                                              That the Universe dispenses for free
                                              Is without doubt much more valuable
                                              Than any lost treasure found, at the bottom of the sea
7,08,2010/4:20 AM                                PEACE
                                                Along with the sustaining elements of survival
                                                That the Universe dispenses for free
                                                May your day be filled with joyful vibration
                                                Of peace and harmony
7,07,2010/8:12 AM              Crime Against Humanity
                                                            The colonial monster of slavery
                                                            The dictatorial dragon of Jim crow
                                                            The unrepentant Cyclops of racism
                                                            The venomous serpent of deception
                                                            Who fed in the pastures of greed and hate
                                                            Eventually conquered
                                                            By the sword of love
                                                           The dagger of diligence
                                                           And the mighty spear of faith
7,06,2010/6:00 AM                                     History
                                                    History is like the needle of a compass;
                                                    pointing in the direction to be taken today
7,5,2010/12:09 AM        
                                          Penny 4 Your Thoughts
                              I live with the understanding that my thoughts must be
                        carefully managed; some thoughts should never be entertained.
7,4,2010/6:37 AM                  Living for today
                                                         Yesterday is past and gone
                                                         Tomorrow never sure 
                                                         All we really have is now       
                                                         Because life is just a tour
7,3,2010/5:21 AM                                History
                                               Lies are like the darkness of the night
                                         that eventually fades; giving way to rays of light.
7,2,2010/2:31 AM                                   Jewels
                                                           Great precious stones
                                                            Extracted from the earth
                                                           Compile them all together
                                                           They can never match your worth
7,1,2010/4:42 AM                     Life Is Everything 
                                                             To be; there is no question
6,29.2010/3:00 AM                                    Freedom
                                                           Freedom is a state of mind
6,28,2010/10:49PM                                Truth
                                Truth is like the sunshine that gives light to the world
                                To find truth is to find enlightenment
6,27,2010/11:40 PM                       Black Inventors
                                     There can be no denial that the African Americans;
                                      hands tied behind their backs, helped to propel the World 
                                      into the twenty first century through their inventions
                                      and artistic creativity.
6,27,2010/4:40 AM                               Priceless
                                                         The sun it shines for you
                                                         The sun it shines for me
                                                         Priceless is the sunshine's worth
                                                         I'm so glad it shines for free